So my best buddy Hays came up to Heber for the week to get some Aqua Therapy in...Yesterday morning we got to go fish together for a while. Usually we just pound the banks in search of big browns but lately I've been gettin down and dirty with small flies on some big rainbows so I took him to my new spot...This was the Little Red River monster he pulled up. Biggest Rainbow Trout he has ever caught! Hope you enjoyed it dude!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Tis The Season
So my best buddy Hays came up to Heber for the week to get some Aqua Therapy in...Yesterday morning we got to go fish together for a while. Usually we just pound the banks in search of big browns but lately I've been gettin down and dirty with small flies on some big rainbows so I took him to my new spot...This was the Little Red River monster he pulled up. Biggest Rainbow Trout he has ever caught! Hope you enjoyed it dude!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Jurassic Rainbow
WOW! This year has been an awesome year for some Jurassic rainbows. Starting last spring the rainbow fishing has been killer...Today I took Ben who fishes with me quite often and his buddy John. I had this Master plan of riding the water down starting at them dam, well the water never came...We did manage to land this beast before we took off to go boat a bunch of fish...Another awesome fish caught and released on the Little Red River!
Friday, December 10, 2010
Twersky Time!
Today I fished Jacob and Steve Twersky...It was a actually a pretty pleasant morning. Certainly chilly but not miserable. We started off doing some drifting from the boat and hammered some rainbows and Jacob boated a nice little brown. We moved on up river and got out and waded for some bigger fish. With no luck we moved on and spooked up a monster. We got back out and put some streamers in front of him. Jacob again hooked up and landed about a 20 incher. As the afternoon went on we hammered a lot of cookie cutter rainbows. At the End of the day we got the big flies back out and Landed an 18 and a 24 incher!! Life was good on the Little Red River today!
Thursday, December 9, 2010
The Doc & Moody!
Today I got to take out my buddy Doc and Moody...I have had some incredible days on the water with these two...Our Morning started off ok...we caught a few fish in one place and then moved on. Our next stop we hooked a couple of nice brown's and then Doc landed this one! We kept on moving in search of some big fish, but they just didn't seem to want to play so we decided to get into the boat and do some drifting...It was killer! We crushed fish for the rest of the day and it was a good time!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Mike Heflin fished with me today. We decided to try to go sight cast to some big fish...The first spot we pulled up to we had some big rainbows in the scope! We cast at them and caught a few nice ones. Mike gave me the rod and I landed a pretty nice one. It fired Mike back up and he made some nice casts. He hooked up and with perfect execution, put the big boy on his reel! It was the thumper of a rainbow! Mike has been fishing with me for several years now and it was by far the nicest fish I have ever seen him catch! What an awesome day on the Little Red!
Friday, December 3, 2010
Dave and Bill
Tuesday I took Dave and Bill out for a little fall wade fishing. The guys wanted to pursue some nice browns so we headed down river to a beautiful shoal. It was extremely cold with 30 mph wind gusts. I built us a fire on the shore and we proceeded to put the hurt on some nice brownies! We probably caught 6 fish over 18 inches and lost several over 24! The guys hung in hard on the wind and did a great job...All in all it was another day in paradise on the Little Red River...
Mr Lee
Last Sunday I took Doctor Lee out for a little sight fishing for some big browns. It was a pretty awesome day. We saw some really nice fish, caught some really nice fish, and lost some really nice fish... The water was extremely crowded, but we wiggled our way into some nice spots and despite the 25 mph winds, we did great!
A Family Of Farnsworth's
It's sort of become an annual event now that I take Robert's family fly fishing on the Little Red the day after Thanksgiving. This year was a complete opposite of last year..Low water and real cold. Last year it was super high water! All of the kids caught lots of fish...His middle boy caught this killer brown trout wade fishing! The other two kids fished from the boat and each caught over 20 fish in their two hour slot time!Great times on the Little Red River!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Portera Action!
Wednesday and Thursday I had the pleasure of fishing with Greg and Will. They fished with me last summer and fell in love with it..The day and a half of fishing we had was nothing short of pure magic...On Wednesday, we hooked some amazing trout...Lost some amazing trout and had nothing but pure fun. On Thursday, we got revenge on a pig rainbow that taunted us all day the day before...and landed a two footer in a torrential rain storm! It was some of the most fun I have had in a while...Great times are being had on the Little Red River...If your not here for the month of December....You need to be!
KB and Farns
Last Tuesday I took KB and the Farns out for a little brown trout beat down...We walked into a stretch of water that really has only been hit by the residents as of late due to the low water and it was out of control on fire! There was several times during the day when as soon as I was letting a 20 plus in fish go another one was on the line!! It was nice to be on foot all day and catching big trout...We had the shoal to ourselves all morning and only had to share with two other people after lunch..It doesn't get any better than this!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Norm and Jason
Today I took Jason and Norm...These dude's love to fish. I take them every year a few times and it just keeps getting better...Today was lights out for the boys...Both guys caught their biggest brown trout to date...That's what they came for and that's what they got! We sight casted to some absolute monsters and we lost a couple monsters as well. All around we couldn't have asked for a better day on the water! When you get down to the brass tacks of it all the boys killed it today...
Farns part Duece
Yesterday Jamie and I ran a group trip and took Robert, Allen, and Mike. We took the boys out wading. We clobbered some nice fish, but it seemed as if Allen really found the groove for the big browns...As the day went on everyone got into lots of fish..We ate fried chicken on the shore and had a blast...Later in the afternoon some small BWO's came off and we got into some more technical fishing and picked on some willing rainbows...Here is a pic of Jamie and Allen with one of his nice browns.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Farns and Ricky
Day 6 with no generation...The river is dead low...I had a good client of mine Robert, and a client of his, Ricky from Louisiana fishing with me today. We walked in at a place I have private access to and our fist fish was this two foot brown...We caught several other browns before we ever saw a rainbow...We dug our heels in wading around until noon and then decided to go down river and do some drifting. Farnsworth caught this pig rainbow on his first drift! Fishing today was all around stellar...
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Big John and The Boys
Today I ran a group trip with fellow guide Tony. We took Big John, Bill, David, and Mike. We took them wade fishing and killed it! Fishing was good. We caught tons of rainbows and several really nice brownie's. We had to work pretty hard for them but it was all well worth it..We enjoyed some fried chicken on the shore and had good times!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Ron and Jerry
Last night was the first night in a week that the Corps ran water...It was awesome to fish the river today with some water in it. Jerry and Ron absolutely killed it! It was like gang buster's! It was Ron's 3rd time to ever hold a fly rod and he probably caught around 40 fish! Jerry punished them hard too, with probably 50 fish caught! I can't tell you how many times we had doubles today!! Toward the end of the day we decided to chase after a bigger fish and ended up with this beauty!
Ole Bill
Yesterday I took an old family friend fishing...Bill Hendrix. I have known Bill forever and been fishing with him many times. It was my first time to guide him though. We crushed them. We started off fishing some of the deep slower water and beat on them pretty hard. After lunch we put the boat on the trailer and went down river a ways. We spent the afternoon wading and it was fantastic. Bill caught lots of fish..and lost a few fish... Towards the end of the day the fish keyed in on midges and we dropped down to 6x and size 18 midges. It was an awesome day to be on the Little Red River catching trout with an old friend.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Today I took Harlan out for a little adventure...He wanted to pursue a big brown so we chased them Hard...We moved to several different sections of the river and caught several nice fish. We caught 4 browns all around 17 inches and lost one over 20... In the mix we caught a lot of willing rainbows. Today was the first time in a few days I have seen some nicer browns moving around in the shoals. The water is low folks so watch your step and leave the spawning fish alone please!!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Bob's Brown
Today I took Bob and Mike out again for a half day trip. They wanted to stay in pursuit of a big brown with streamer techniques.At about 10 am we had only landed one 15 inch brown and 6 or 7 chunky rainbows. We had new water coming down river and decided to go jump into it head on. We put the boat on the trailer and got after it. Once we reached out new destination, our first pass turned a few big heads and we landed this 21 inch beauty. Mike caught another smaller brown and a rainbow. We had some more great water to cover but they had to catch a flight. I would say the move was well worth it!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
It's Fall In the Ozarks!
So its officially fall in my book. Lots of guiding. Great weather and Brown trout! Today I took Mike and Bob out for a taste of the Little Red River. We started out throwing streamers and turned a few heads. Bob caught this 18 inch'er early then it died off. We went to nymphing and beat on them for a while. After lunch We did some wading and Bob got into some nice fish on streamers again. Landed a 24 inch'er. Unfortunately we didn't get a picture and lost a few other that were maybe bigger. We continued to bang on fish on streamers and right at the end of the day Mike landed this nice two footer!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Eddie and Ben
Talk about windy! Today I took Eddie and Ben Waldron out for a day of fishing. It was day four with no water and windy as hell! We started out trying to do a sneak attack on the pigs I saw yesterday. Unfortunately the fish weren't home...Wade fishing was a little tough on us, so we decided to switch up our tactics and fish the deeper water with some minnow patterns. It was awesome!! We caught a couple of nice browns and gobs of rainbows! At lunch, we had a few shots at some lunkers but couldn't seem to get them to play...These fish are extremely spooky right now. After lunch the wind kicked up to 30mph gusts! The bite got pretty tough but we still managed to catch a few fish...great day on the LRR!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Wheat's
Today I took Jason and his dad, Wendell. Jason's wife Emily came along for the ride. It was the guys first time to ever hold a fly rod. We had extremely low water and lots of wind! The guys took a few minutes to get into the groove but once they did, it was good. Our morning was action packed. Lots of willing rainbows. At lunch, I spotted a pair of big browns! Jason made cast after cast for them. Eventually, he hooked one of them! The fish made a big run,jumped, and he snapped the line! It was way cool. As each day goes on I'm seeing more and more big fish starting to move around and I'm getting excited!
Early Morning Hybrids
Last week, I took a few guys out to the lake for some hybrids. When we launched the boat we had fish busting at the ramp! I just knew it was going to be an awesome action packed day. We caught a few hybrids, a couple whites, a smallie and a Kentucky. After that our action pretty much died. We continued to search out fish but it got dead calm on us. It was still a cool experience for the guys because it was something that they had never done!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Today was day four with no water... I took Jason Peeples and I'll be honest, we had to work pretty hard for our fish...The fish are in need of some fresh cool oxygenated water! Peeps saddled up and got into the groove. The second fish of the morning was this super nice 21 inch brown. We did see a few other browns starting to move around but didn't rip into any of them. I have a good feeling its going to be a great fall!
Lee Time
Yesterday I took Roland and Jacob Lee. These guys love to fish! Yesterday we had super low water and had to get down and dirty on the fish. I am not typically a midge fisherman but these guys can handle a rod so we busted down to 6x and size 20 midges and wore their butts out! The guys probably caught 100 fish by the end of the day. I was super proud of the Lee boys!
Mack Attack!
Two days ago I took Mack, his grandson David, and his friend Chase. This was the second time these guys fished with me. This time we had a little lower water and it was super crowded on the river. The guys did great and Incorporated a little friendly competition. Mack was on a team by himself and the two boys against him...It was all good fun With almost 30 fish boated by noon!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bill and Dave
Today was probably the most beautiful day of the fall yet....It was a crisp morning with blue skies. Bill has fished with me before but it was during our "high water years". It was sure nice to show him the Little Red from a different perspective. The fishing was good. We probably boated somewhere around 75 fish. We waded only for a few minutes and caught a couple, but the drift fishing remained pretty strong almost all day. Motoring up through some of the shoals I saw several nice browns scampering away and it got me all fired up!
The Doc
Last week I took Doctor Albright and a resident of his, Doctor Matt Sharp. Jim has been fishing with Jamie for about ten years and with me the past few. He loves to fish and is always bringing his residents up to fish. Matt Sharpe had never done any fly fishing before today. It was a great time. We had pretty good bites both days. It was a lot of peaks and valleys but when it was hot, it was red hot! We saw a bunch of nice browns starting to move around but they were all still very spooky. It won't be long before its that time of year!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Gotta Love It!!
Today I took John and Will Maiden trout fishing on the Little Red River....We had a blast. Will is 9 years old and a great little angler! I'm not sure how many fish the guys caught today,but I'm suspect somewhere around 75...maybe evena few more! I was having way too much fun to try and keep a count. We did a little drift fishing this morning and got em good! After lunch we suited up and did some wading. Both guys crushed em' again. Fall is approaching and we saw lots of big browns moving around but all were still very spooky. John did catch this super nice rainbow towards the end of the afternoon! If you are planning on fishing with me this fall make sure you bring your waders!!!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Hey guys, the past few nights the Hybrid fishing has been off the charts. Last night Amy and I crushed them...The bust lasted quite a while and we got into some nice fish. The biggest one was a little over 8 pounds of the boga grip scale. He took me to the backing!! As October continues, we should start to see even bigger fish and the action will last longer and longer! If you have a trip planned to come fish the Little Red, you might want to consider squeezing a Greer's Ferry Lake trip into the mix as well. Holler at Jamie and I! We can do group trips!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
White River Roamin
Monday Amy and I drove up to the White River to fish and camp. We fished Rim shoals on Monday and then fished the Wildcat access on Tuesday. The river had a pretty good flow to it. The air was crisp and boy did we have fun. I don't get up to the White as often as I should, but when I do I sure enjoy it. We caught a lot of fish on nymphs. I spent a little time throwing some big streamers on the bank but really couldn't get any one to commit to a big fly. It was probably one of my only shots at fall camping since our season down here is about to get silly busy. Life is good.
Dry Run Creek
Hey folks, sorry for the pause in blogging. Life has been busy here in the Ozarks. Last Friday fellow guide Tony Simmons and myself took a group of kids up to Dry Run Creek. Dry Run is a amazing little creek that dumps into the Norfork right at the dam. It a magical place and has been for a long time. It's where I learned to trout fish with my father as just a child. This creek is for kids 16 and under, and is also handicap accessible. The kids had a lot of fun and caught some nice fish. We even got into some good fish on dries! If you have kids and you want them to truly experience the most amazing place, then you should get in touch with me and I'll hook you up!
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