This past Tuesday I took a guy who fishes with JRFFA quite frequently,Robert Farnsworth and his friend, Stewart. It rained relentlessly all day. The guys were pretty committed to streamer fishing. The dam had two generators running all day. Our conditions where less than perfect water wise but our cloud cover was awesome. We had some technical difficulties with a broken rod and staying hung up. Finally, the guys got in the groove and waxed some browns. We probably caught 25 fish and 23 of them were brown trout! That's pretty sweet. We only saw one other boat on the river all day. I was amazed at how clear the river stayed with all of the rain. It was a pretty awesome day to be trout fishing on the Little Red River~!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Two Unit streamers!
This past Tuesday I took a guy who fishes with JRFFA quite frequently,Robert Farnsworth and his friend, Stewart. It rained relentlessly all day. The guys were pretty committed to streamer fishing. The dam had two generators running all day. Our conditions where less than perfect water wise but our cloud cover was awesome. We had some technical difficulties with a broken rod and staying hung up. Finally, the guys got in the groove and waxed some browns. We probably caught 25 fish and 23 of them were brown trout! That's pretty sweet. We only saw one other boat on the river all day. I was amazed at how clear the river stayed with all of the rain. It was a pretty awesome day to be trout fishing on the Little Red River~!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Another Beautiful Fall day

Sunday morning the sunrise was amazing! The clouds were thick and I just knew it would be an awesome day for streamers! I took my friend Frank and Robb who works for Patagonia fishing. We wanted to boat some big pumpkin brown trout, so we got the big sticks and streamer flies ready. We started out getting lots of hits and lots of action. We lost some nice fish and missed some nice fish. We had about a full generator of water running, so the hook set becomes an art in itself when throwing the big rigs. The biggest fish we saw was probably twenty five inches or better! Robb hadn't done much big streamer fishing and was eaten up with it! Around noon our clouds left us and it became almost hot! Unfortunately, it messed us up for streamers. We picked up a few nymphs for the last hour or so and did awesome. It was another Beautiful Little Red River day!
Little Roger's Birthday

Saturday I took two guys who fish with me often. Roger and Roger Jr. The last time I took these guys, the water was muddy and low. We had a pretty tough day. Saturday we had a great window of low water down river for the morning, then in the afternoon we ran up river and fished the falling water. Starting with the first drift these guys pounded them! We caught fish every place we fished. We had a fantastic morning and probably caught 30 fish. Being the die hards these guys are, we crammed down a sandwich in the car on the way to a different ramp, refueled, and set out after them again. I'm not too sure the fishing wasn't even better in the high water that afternoon! Big Rodger caught 5 fish in 5 casts! It was pretty unreal! Little Roger's birthday was coming up Tuesday so the trip was his birthday present and all he wanted was a brown trout! Well, he sure got one on the last drift! It was a beautiful day jammed full of action and beautiful Little Red River Fish!
Rainy day streamers
Thursday it didn't rain in Heber Springs, it poured. I fished with Tom from St. Louis. Tom is a good angler and didn't let the rain scare him. We put in and ran up river with one thing on our mind, brown trout. We fished big streamers all day and turned lots of nice fish. The temperature was nice. It was rainy but at least it wasn't cold. We found refuge under a dock at lunch and ate a dry sandwich, which was nice. As the day went on, the water got more and more stained. We found a bright fly that the fish seemed to love and had action all day. It was a Blast!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
The Lee Boys
Last Sunday Roland and his son Jacob came to the Little Red and fished with me again. We hadn't fished together since our fantastic day last spring. The temperature was a lot colder on Sunday and the water was a lot higher. They decided they wanted to throw streamers and commit to throwing some big bugs in search of some big fish. We caught brown trout pretty consistently all day and turned several really nice fish. At one point Roland had one that almost jerked the rod completely out of his hand! For the last hour of the day we decided to to put down the streamer rods and just bring some fish to the boat,so we headed down river and put the hurt on them. Jacob caught this nice brown on a big bug earlier in the morning.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Harry and Larry
Today I went on a group trip with Jamie. We took some of Jamie's oldest clients. Harry and Larry went in my boat. We knew when we started off the day it would be a little bit challenging with a full generator running. We didn't let it scare us though. We rigged accordingly and let the fish have it. The guys did great adapting to the high water rigs and caught fish all day. At about 11 am the sun came out and gave us a break from the cool cloudy air. Harry caught this nice 20 inch brown pretty early this morning which was a ton of fun! We saw a few more nice browns and lots of sassy rainbows! The browns are moving around more and more every day and I get more and more excited for the fall!
Dont stop till you get enough!
So my buddy Hays is back in town for some more brown trout action. When Hays and I fish we usually don't even bring a nymph rig with us. Solid streams and sinking Lines! We feed off each other. A nice friendly competitive day on the water. He is is town for a few days, so yesterday was kind of the practice round if you will. I let Hays have the first run. It took him a minute to get the kinks out but before long He was crushing fish. We both caught tons of fish all day. We didn't see a rainbow until the end of the day on the second to last cast! We saw some some huge fish but just couldn't get them to eat, but we sure had fun trying. We brought the ipod jam station with us and raged some cool old String Cheese. Life is good that's for sure. These are just a few of the nice fish we pulled in. Check back in later next week and I'm almost positive you'll see us holding some more hogs!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Heff and Hugh
Monday, I took two guys who fish with me pretty regular. It had been a pretty rainy evening with the water a little high and stained. They wanted to chuck some big flies so we set out on our quest. I guess it was just one of those days we couldn't get them to act right! We had one fish follow before we even got started good. Hugh hooked on and lost him about 4 feet from the boat! Mike turned a big boy, but the fish wouldn't commit. We picked up the nymph rigs and crushed them. It was silly. They had fish on left and right. Hugh caught another nice little brownie and they both caught some thumper rainbows! We fished some attractor rigs and they were fish magnets. It wasn't the best streamer day, but It sure was an awesome day for some nymphing! The rain barely drizzled on us and the temperature wasn't to cold. It was a great fall day on the Little Red River!
Streamers with Dad
So the fall fishing continues to get great. Fish are constantly showing up on the shoals and I cant stand it! I guided Friday and Saturday and my clients for Sunday had to cancel at the last minute, so I took advantage of the day off to kick it with my dad. We put his boat in, which is always a treat because I am so used to being the one controlling the boat. We hit up a spot we thought should be holding a few fish and boy was it! We both caught lots of nice fish and at one point I had one of the biggest fish I have seen this year follow my fly all the way to the boat. He was like a massive submarine cruising in behind the fly! It was awesome. It was a perfect cloudy day for chucking streamers, just a small sample of what this fall is going to have to offer!
Friday, October 9, 2009
Rainy day with Doc!
This morning I fished with The Doc. We got geared up for some serious rain, and rain it did. It rained pretty solid all morning. We decided to stay committed and fish for a half day. Doc threw streamers all morning. We had the river to ourselves. I don't think we saw another boat all morning. The Corps turned on two units, which was nice to help blow out some of the mud. We rode the water down. Doc caught several nice fish in the 18inch range and one 20 incher! It was a great cloudy day for chucking streamers. I never mind a little rain when you are catching big beautiful browns!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
double header
Today I took Rod and Eric out on the lake in search of the Hybrids. It seemed like a perfect day for them. We found a school about 9:30 am and they picked up a few fish including a double! There were tons of boats out and once they joined up with us, they pushed the fish down.Rod and Eric absolutely loved it! We continued to cruise around the lake,but saw nothing. At about 11:30 am we pulled out and went to the river. With the corps still generating one full unit on the Little Red,we decided to chuck some streamers! Streamer fishing was great. Both guys slammed the browns! We even caught a few rainbows and a pickerel in the mix as well. With the amount of browns I am seeing out and about, I just know its going to be an awesome fall!
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